Special Situations Team
In an effort to enhance already existing processes, and as a means to align Texas A&M University with emerging national standards relative to dealing with troubled and/or at risk faculty, staff, and students, an Special Situations Team has been assembled.
The charge of the Special Situations Team is to assess circumstances, enhance communication, and initiate appropriate responses to specific behavioral problems that may involve threats to the safety and security of the University community.
The Special Situations Team meets on a regular basis and can be convened by any member of the team at any time to respond to concerning situations. The following are members of the Special Situations Team:
- Dr. Justin Jeffery, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs (Chair)
- Dr. Stefanie Baker, Director of Student Life / Chair of the Student Behavioral Issues Committee (SBIC)
- Mr. Andrew Barna, Director of Employee Relations, Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness
- Dr. Douglas Bell, Interim Exec. Director of Student Community Standards, Student Conduct Office
- Dr. Michelle Bettin, Senior Director, Counseling & Mental Health Care, University Health Services
- Mr. Jerry Brown, Managing Counsel, Office of General Counsel
- Mr. Joseph L. Elkins, Police Sergeant, University Police Department
- Dr. Michael Johnson, Interim Associate Provost for Faculty Success and Interim AVP for Faculty Affairs
- Ms. Chareny Rydl, Executive Director, Residence Life
- Dr. Anna Satterfield, Program Director, Student Life
- Dr. Tiffany Skaggs, Senior Director of Primary Care and Specialty Medical Care, University Health Service
- Ms. Jennifer Smith, Assistant Vice President and Title IX Officer, Department of Civil Rights and Equity Investigations
- Mr. Justin Vykukal, Police Officer IV, University Police Department
- Ms. Angela Winkler, Assistant Director for Student Life – Student Assistance Services
(Many of these members have one or more back-up members that also serve on the team.)
The Special Situations Team’s authority is derived from the already existing authority of the individuals who comprise it; the team will not be endowed with any additional authority; and the team will not create new policies or rules, rather they will work within existing rules and policies and propose any new rules or policies through existing processes.
Individuals may use the TellSomebody online report form to submit reports to the Special Situations Team. The submitter of the report has the option to fill in contact information or submit the report anonymously. Reports submitted anonymously or with limited information may limit the Team’s ability to follow up on an incident. Once a report is submitted online, a copy is emailed to the entire team for appropriate review and necessary action. NOTE: Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed for reports submitted through this site. State law determines confidentiality.
For more information about the Special Situations Team, please contact Dr. Justin Jeffery, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, at 979-845-4728 or by email at [email protected].