Other Reporting Mechanisms
If you are in an emergency situation that requires medical, psychological or police services, CALL 911
Bias/Hate Report (Stop Hate) | stophate.tamu.edu
The university defines a “bias complaint” as any report of a threat or act of harassment or intimidation which is directed against or targets a person or groups of persons of the Texas A&M community because of that person’s age, color, disability, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or medical or genetic information.” This definition is used for reporting and statistical purposes only.
Campus Community Incident Report (CCIR Online Form)
The Campus Community Incident Report (CCIR) form is an opportunity for any individual in the Texas A&M University community (students, faculty or staff) to provide information concerning an alleged Texas A&M University Student Rule violation.
Hazing (Stop Hazing) | stophazing.tamu.edu
While being part of a campus group can be one of the most meaningful aspects of student life, hazing is a hidden and serious problem that undermines the value of these experiences for many individuals. The Stop Hazing website provides information on how to identify and report incidents of hazing.
Sex Harassment / Sex-Based Discrimination (Title IX) | titleix.tamu.edu
If you believe you or someone has been subjected to (1) sexual harassment by a University faculty or staff member, student, or TAMU visitor; or (2) any other form of sex-based discrimination under Title IX, you may report such misconduct or file a formal complaint with the Title IX Coordinator.
Waste, Fraud, and Misconduct (Ethics Point Online Form)
If you have factual information suggestive of fraudulent, wasteful or abusive activities involving any A&M System member, employee, student, or other affiliate, we want you to report it. Examples of reportable issues include fraud, theft, misuse of A&M System resources or information, violations of safety rules or environmental laws, conflicts of interest, NCAA violations or discrimination.